Home » Transport & logistics » Dedicated veihcles
Sinergy Solution offers exclusive service, just for you. That means you will take advantage of transportation dedicated to your goods only. No other customers’ parcels, no extra stops along the way.
Our dedicated transportation service is designed to handle all aspects of the logistic process, from picking through transport, to final delivery. All is carried on a vehicle for delivery belongs to a single customer.
On this basis, nothing can interfere or cause potential delays, ensuring therefore safe, fast and punctual delivery. Our philosophy puts our relation with customers right in the centre of our job, guaranteeing seamless, exclusive and personalized service.
In addition, our cutting edge tracking system and our dedicated personnel ensure full transparency, allowing you to accurately plan the reception stages.
What does our dedicated transportation consist in?
– 24-hour fast delivery active 24/7, weekend and bank holidays included;
– Apt and environmentally-friendly packaging;
– Extremely punctual shipping;
– By-day and by-night shippings;
– Dedicated personnel in the event of problems;
What makes our service so special?
We are incredibly flexible, careful, and we offer personalized service according to your needs. Doesn’t matter whether you have to deliver a single parcel or a whole load, we can adapt to your necessities. Forget size and weight restrictions, we are here to find the best solution for you.
Sinergy Solution offers exclusive service, just for you. That means you will take advantage of transportation dedicated to your goods only. No other customers’ parcels, no extra stops along the way.
Our dedicated transportation service is designed to handle all aspects of the logistic process, from picking through transport, to final delivery. All is carried on a vehicle for delivery belongs to a single customer.
On this basis, nothing can interfere or cause potential delays, ensuring therefore safe, fast and punctual delivery. Our philosophy puts our relation with customers right in the centre of our job, guaranteeing seamless, exclusive and personalized service.
In addition, our cutting edge tracking system and our dedicated personnel ensure full transparency, allowing you to accurately plan the reception stages.
What does our dedicated transportation consist in?
– 24-hour fast delivery active 24/7, weekend and bank holidays included;
– Apt and environmentally-friendly packaging;
– Extremely punctual shipping;
– By-day and by-night shippings;
– Dedicated personnel in the event of problems;
What makes our service so special?
We are incredibly flexible, careful, and we offer personalized service according to your needs. Doesn’t matter whether you have to deliver a single parcel or a whole load, we can adapt to your necessities. Forget size and weight restrictions, we are here to find the best solution for you.
Viale Bianca Maria, 28 - 20129 Milano (MI)
VAT number / Tax ID code 03138780162
Iscriz. Albo Autotrasportatori MI/0885359/N
Via Abruzzi, 20 - 20056 Grezzago (MI)
Via Sommacampagna, 22/A - 37137 Verona (VR)
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